Certificate in Initiatic Art Therapy
Online training in art therapy
This training has been designed to offer counsellors, social workers, teachers, psychologists, medical professionals and community services practitioners a solid professional development option to integrate various art-making and therapeutic art techniques into their own scope of practice.
"Our aim is to equip participants with an assortment of therapeutic tools suitable for a range of different client groups and inner needs."
Delivered over six modules, all participants will engage in a personal journey including seminars, online group work, filmed case histories and downloadable course material. There will be ample opportunity to engage in art making, reflective discussion, small-group sharing and Q&A. The structure will vary between modules and will include a mixture of webinars, group exercises, pre-recorded content and discussion forums.
Modules are facilitated by Institute of Sensorimotor Art Therapy faculty member Chris Storm, together with Founder and Director Cornelia Elbrecht.
This certificate program is recognised professional development with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA) accepts this course as professional development.
Hear what students who completed this online training share about their experiences.

Journey Of Professional & Personal Development

A Master Piece

Made For These Times

Wonderful, Experiential Course

Fascinating, Uplifting and Enlightening

So Much Inspiration

Connect To My Introspective Side
