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Full Workshop Recording

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Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® (2010)


Presented by Prof Heinz Deuser | Facilitated by Cornelia Elbrecht

Accompanying children at the Clay Field differs significantly from working with adults. Children engage with their eyes open and motor impulses, sensory perception and meaning making happens simultaneously in the moment. Adults come with a biography to the session and find themselves in a past-present-future continuum. Adult clients benefit from closing their eyes in order to get out of their head, come into contact with developmentally formative experiences, and are being encouraged to rely on their intuition in order to find embodied answers to their conflicts and concerns. Children, however, will remain in the present throughout; they will engage in the here-and-now in a therapeutically healing narrative scripted by their age and developmental needs. They will embody and manifest their creative solutions in the field, through physical effort, play and storytelling.   

Recorded over one long-weekend workshop in 2010 this Masterclass explores the sensorimotor art therapy modality Work at the Clay Field®. Presented by Prof Heinz Deuser, who developed Work at the Clay Field®, this presents the culmination of 45 years of work and research.

Over the course of five sessions participants are treated to a blend of theory, live Clay Field therapy sessions, analysis of both live and pre-recorded sessions by Prof Deuser as well as engaging group discussions. Navigate the video content to view and review sections based on your professional and personal interests.

Prof Heinz Deuser presents the material in his native German language, with professional live translations into English. Cornelia Elbrecht facilitates the discussions and adds observations from her practice with Work at the Clay Field® in Australia.

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Masterclass 2010 Content


  • 1

    Welcome to Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® (2010)

  • 2

    Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® (2010) - Session 1

    • Introduction & Theory 1

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 1

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 2

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 3

  • 3

    Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® (2010) - Session 2

    • Theory 2

    • Clay Field Session 1

    • Clay Field Session 1 Analysis

    • Clay Field Session 2

    • Clay Field Session 2 Analysis

  • 4

    Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® (2010) - Session 3

    • Theory 3

    • Clay Field Session 3

    • Clay Field Session 3 Analysis

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 4 - Part 1

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 4 - Part 2

    • Clay Field Session 4

    • Clay Field Session 4 Analysis

  • 5

    Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® - Session 4

    • Theory 4

    • Clay Field Session 5

    • Clay Field Session 5 Analysis

    • Clay Field Session 6

    • Clay Field Session 6 Analysis

  • 6

    Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® - Session 5

    • Clay Field Session 7

    • Clay Field Session 7 Analysis

    • Clay Field Session 8

    • Clay Field Session 8 - Analysis

    • Children at the Clay Field: Case Study 5

    • Conclusion to Masterclass

Masterclass 2010

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