About Sensorimotor Art Therapy
Both Guided Drawing® and Clay Field Therapy® are sensorimotor, body-focused, trauma-informed art therapy approaches.
In recent years “sensorimotor” has emerged as a term to describe body focused psychotherapies that use a bottom-up approach. Instead of a cognitive top-down strategy, sensorimotor art therapy encourages the awareness of innate motor impulses in the muscles and viscera, also as heart-rate and breath. The expression of these motor impulses followed by their perception through the senses, allows the development of new neurological pathways that can bypass traumatic memories; such an approach is capable of restoring wholeness and wellbeing.
Both Guided Drawing® and Clay Field Therapy® are sensorimotor, body-focused, trauma-informed art therapy approaches. They are not necessarily concerned with an image-making process, but support the awareness of body memories. While these memories are always biographical, the therapy itself is not symptom-oriented. Not the specific problem or crisis become the focal point, but the option to new answers and solutions as they are embedded in the body's felt sense.

Charting new trauma-healing territory

Guided Drawing meets Somatic Experiencing

Guided Drawing is a body-focused approach

Realm of psycholigical healing
Introducing Cornelia Elbrecht
All courses are created and facilitated by Cornelia Elbrecht

Founder & Director
Cornelia Elbrecht